Monday 28 November 2011


Hello people people!I just realized I didn’t update at all last week. What’s that all about? I was given a dress to trial wear (which is so lush, omg), I found out that I am a size 10/12 in dresses now, and I became violently ill Thursday –Friday and had to cancel my Sunday night Thanksgiving dinner because the illness didn’t give me any time to prepare anything.

I had mixed feelings about it, to be honest. I was quite happy not to cook because I have no kitchen of my own to feel happy cooking it. I was also very guilty because everyone had it in their diaries for ages. I felt a bit awk asking other people for their kitchens as well so I may as well do a summer Thanksgiving BBQ or just wait til I live in a better place.

Well good news, I was given something to make. Bad news, I feel as if I took way too long to finish it.

I was given a jacket to pattern cut, which I was so totally chuffed about, and I was way eager to get started. I was given the design at around 12:30/12:45 on Monday last week and I so wanted to skip lunch just to work on it. Can I just say how wonderful it felt to pattern cut again!? I feel a bit out of practice, not gonna lie, but it made me feel awesome to sort curves out and alter a seam here and there. Oh, sheet bliss.

I worked on it for ages, and then my boss told me not to forget to go home, lol. Time flew like whoa. I went home to bed, totally excited to go back to Swansea the next day. I pattern cut all Tuesday :D Had a mild freak out cos I forgot how to do something so simple regarding darts, but Jim, one of the other pattern cutters told me to chill down and relax lol I think that made me feel a bit too relaxed so I slowed down (which is a huuuuge thing for me to do cos I like working way fast, yo) and then went to meeting and toile fits during the second half of the day. So.I spent about 6 ½ hours pattern cutting. I thought I spent a lot more time on it, but my day was actually filled with other things.

Wednesday my mate Charlie came down to Bristol so we got up to some shenanigans in the evening. Saw my mate Anika and met their friend Dave and we all proceeded to drink…Mind you, I had just finished doing a double shift at work, but I was so up for going out and spending as much time with Charlie as possible and making sure she wasn’t having a shit time that I drank a bit too much and stayed up til 4:30am. …yes I know, not the best of my life choices, but in all fairness it was a fun night. In my inebriated state, I managed to take a shower, pick my outfit, book my tickets and sort my bag out before going to bed for an hour. I forced myself up, found myself to be quite drunk still, stumbled to the train station and passed out so hard on the train, the ticket dude couldn’t even wake me to ask for my ticket. :P whoops.

I trekked to Toast with really rubbery feeling legs and then tried to act as normal as possible, but I know that people could tell something was up. I was staring at my patterns for ages and doing very little to them, started sewing stuff up…but I made such mistakes and I felt ill and I had a headache and I didn’t eat lunch and I felt weak and I was just a mess. I managed to finish the majority of my jacket before heading back to Bristol. I took the pattern with me to fix the mistakes at home as well.I remembered it was actually Thanksgiving that day so I made chilli at Trout’s house and we had a quiet night playing on the computer and sorting his new iPhone out. I waited for my parents to call me to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving, but they didn’t until 2am…what an after thought. I felt SO HURT that they forgot about me on a day that’s supposed to be spent with family and such. Ah well…more of a reason not to move back home.

I wonder if they’re going to bother calling me on Christmas day. Hmph. Insulted much.

Anyway, I altered the collar that I screwed up and now it looks alright, but now I’ve noticed today that all my measurements are wrong and the jackets the wrong length. So much for showing them how “good” I am L

I’ve also had a case of the despressies again. I don’t honestly know what the hell is going on with me. Why can’t I just be happy for bloody one week straight!?!

Boo. Eh well I’m off to finish my jacket. Hopefully it doesn’t look completely shit. :/

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