Monday 28 November 2011


Hello people people!I just realized I didn’t update at all last week. What’s that all about? I was given a dress to trial wear (which is so lush, omg), I found out that I am a size 10/12 in dresses now, and I became violently ill Thursday –Friday and had to cancel my Sunday night Thanksgiving dinner because the illness didn’t give me any time to prepare anything.

I had mixed feelings about it, to be honest. I was quite happy not to cook because I have no kitchen of my own to feel happy cooking it. I was also very guilty because everyone had it in their diaries for ages. I felt a bit awk asking other people for their kitchens as well so I may as well do a summer Thanksgiving BBQ or just wait til I live in a better place.

Well good news, I was given something to make. Bad news, I feel as if I took way too long to finish it.

I was given a jacket to pattern cut, which I was so totally chuffed about, and I was way eager to get started. I was given the design at around 12:30/12:45 on Monday last week and I so wanted to skip lunch just to work on it. Can I just say how wonderful it felt to pattern cut again!? I feel a bit out of practice, not gonna lie, but it made me feel awesome to sort curves out and alter a seam here and there. Oh, sheet bliss.

I worked on it for ages, and then my boss told me not to forget to go home, lol. Time flew like whoa. I went home to bed, totally excited to go back to Swansea the next day. I pattern cut all Tuesday :D Had a mild freak out cos I forgot how to do something so simple regarding darts, but Jim, one of the other pattern cutters told me to chill down and relax lol I think that made me feel a bit too relaxed so I slowed down (which is a huuuuge thing for me to do cos I like working way fast, yo) and then went to meeting and toile fits during the second half of the day. So.I spent about 6 ½ hours pattern cutting. I thought I spent a lot more time on it, but my day was actually filled with other things.

Wednesday my mate Charlie came down to Bristol so we got up to some shenanigans in the evening. Saw my mate Anika and met their friend Dave and we all proceeded to drink…Mind you, I had just finished doing a double shift at work, but I was so up for going out and spending as much time with Charlie as possible and making sure she wasn’t having a shit time that I drank a bit too much and stayed up til 4:30am. …yes I know, not the best of my life choices, but in all fairness it was a fun night. In my inebriated state, I managed to take a shower, pick my outfit, book my tickets and sort my bag out before going to bed for an hour. I forced myself up, found myself to be quite drunk still, stumbled to the train station and passed out so hard on the train, the ticket dude couldn’t even wake me to ask for my ticket. :P whoops.

I trekked to Toast with really rubbery feeling legs and then tried to act as normal as possible, but I know that people could tell something was up. I was staring at my patterns for ages and doing very little to them, started sewing stuff up…but I made such mistakes and I felt ill and I had a headache and I didn’t eat lunch and I felt weak and I was just a mess. I managed to finish the majority of my jacket before heading back to Bristol. I took the pattern with me to fix the mistakes at home as well.I remembered it was actually Thanksgiving that day so I made chilli at Trout’s house and we had a quiet night playing on the computer and sorting his new iPhone out. I waited for my parents to call me to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving, but they didn’t until 2am…what an after thought. I felt SO HURT that they forgot about me on a day that’s supposed to be spent with family and such. Ah well…more of a reason not to move back home.

I wonder if they’re going to bother calling me on Christmas day. Hmph. Insulted much.

Anyway, I altered the collar that I screwed up and now it looks alright, but now I’ve noticed today that all my measurements are wrong and the jackets the wrong length. So much for showing them how “good” I am L

I’ve also had a case of the despressies again. I don’t honestly know what the hell is going on with me. Why can’t I just be happy for bloody one week straight!?!

Boo. Eh well I’m off to finish my jacket. Hopefully it doesn’t look completely shit. :/

Wednesday 16 November 2011

It prints, it cuts!

My mornings consist of these things. Coffee, railcards, train tickets, list making, Toast (but not for breakfast), the Matrix building and the printing machine.

Aint that cool? Only cool to fashiony people, I'm afraid, but omg it's amazing! It draws the pattern on the paper and then cuts it out with seam allowance and errthing! How insane! I wiiiiiiish I had one of my own haha.

Right, well I've had an incredibly lazy day...the only productive thing I've done all day was go food shopping. I was meant to do so much like finish my visa. get photos taken, tidy my room, look for socks for Trout... All these things were ignored and sleep overtook my day. :( I need to sort my life out....


...just thought I'd let you all know. Back to watching Series One of Skins. Classic.

Monday 14 November 2011

Swansea, you're letting me down. :/

Monday, Monday

I walked into the office this morning and there was a heated debate going on about how this particular company in India has very foolishly sewn a garment together incorrectly and how the designers wanted things changed and if it would possible to make something that was cut on the bias to be cut on the straight and still have the same drape. Pshh, no. Elementary, my dear Watson, seriously. I just chuckled to myself as the pattern cutters argued (if you can even call it that, the British are far too polite for a heated argument in the workplace, methinks) for about 20 minutes on how to change things whilst the designers are in India at the moment. It all doesnt make sense and again it amuses me that the real world is just as, or even more disorganized than uni. Its the most riled up Ive seen them so far, but in that died down quickly and everyone went back to work. Standard.

so here I am sat down at a brand new wide-ass computer screen, even though I dont know why I have a new screen at all, I do fuck all on the computer. I came into today thinking that I would have something to pattern cut, so naturally I was so chuffed and excited to finally start something. My manager came up to me and said that the designer wasnt here today and wont be here until Wednesday, which means I wont do anything at all until Thursday. But even thats not promised because I dont know how delayed the designers are anyway. I am so so so so so gutted and frustratedalthough I should have expected this now that I see how everything works around here. Im not slating the company, just noticing how things are.

m getting a little tired of just sitting here all day waiting for various 5 minute long jobs to do, to be honest. I think the other pattern cutters are a bit concerned that I come here and do very little. They keep wondering why the designers havent given me anything to do yet. They do their best to show me what theyre doing with each garment they work on, but its not quite the same is it?*sigh*

On a lighter, funnier note, a good friend of mine at the Hippodrome came up to me in the break room and asked me how my gash was. Now, if youre not British, you may just be thinking of a cut or something, which is what I had! I sliced my leg open on a broken bottle that was just chilling in a bin bag the previous day and he was just checking up on me. But gash also is quite a vulgar British slang word for vagina, which is what I took it as. I was so hot in the face, omg. It was just so funny, because my eyes went SO wide and I just stared at him really wondering if he actually asked what I thought he did. We both laughed for aaaages. Oh the funny misunderstandings in life.

Right, Im going to go back to doing nothing again. :/ Peeeeace, brethren.

Thursday 10 November 2011

What am I doing here?

Is my coming back to England just a waste of time? :/ I ask myself that a few times a day. On the plus side, I love being around my friends and love working in a theatre that pays minimum wage, but why does life seem so much harder after uni?

What has actually changed though besides the fact I'm not paying for fabric everyday and losing sleep over a stupid final collection? ..Nothing. I work about the same amount or even more than I did whilst at uni. I have a rad work placement where the company pays for my travel. Even though I always say I'm hungry, talk about food all the time and have a strange obsession with cheese, my clothes are starting to hang off of me. Everything's getting too big. Don't get me wrong, I do like having that lovely hourglass figure all of a sudden but it's happening to quickly, I'm quite concerned.

Rrr...I wish I had that security of family though. in this country, I mean. I have loads of friends who always offer to have me round and stuff, but there's nothing quite like that comfort of going to your own home. At the end of uni, I was gutted that the majority of my Fashion/Textiles girls have all gone back home to live with their parents, but it's nice to know they have somewhere to go. I could have had that too, but I think I'm a bit too unhappy back home in NJ. I think I'm jealous..?

...Is it even worth me going for that graduate visa...?

I don't know where I'm going with this. :/ Blah blah. Pillow, take me now to a land of no worries for a few hours. /depressingrant

Swansea...Swan sea. Sea of Swans!? I just got it...

Ah another day in good old Swansea. The sun was actually shining today and I would have appreciated it a bit more if I wasn't wearing my glasses and getting horrific glares on my lenses. My eyes are on the fritz; they're SO DRY. I need to stop forgetting to take my contacts out after a night out. I also shouldn't go out on a night before going to Swansea....

Last night's sleep was a mixture of satisfying and terrible. I have a new mattress, you see. Well it's not really new persay, but it's new to me as I got it free off a friend. I love how I managed to get free solid wood bed frame, a mattress, a coffee table and a bookcase for frizzle, yo. Freecycle is where it's at, not gonna lie! I need to snoop around there on my lunch actually. I need me a wardrobe, drawers and a desk now :D

Anyway, back to the point, the mattress is ever so soft and it killed my back. I also needed to wee just about every hour to get all the cider out of my system. At least my heater did a brilliant job of keeping my room toasty and nice. ...but still a terrible nights sleep. I woke up with my eyes bloodshot (compliments of my angry contacts), every muscle in my body sore and extremely tired due to a mere 5 hours of restless sleep. Oh I am feeling the pain now, but meh, tis my fault for going out after work. Never again, I say. ....well I'll just be smarter about it next time. #beingrealistic

Right so I talked to the lead designer today and she said she's going to try and have something for me to make next week. I really really hope so...I finally managed to find my Pattern Master when I was unpacking and I do intend to use it. Quite a happy day in my life, to be honest.

I'm going to finish on a very random and gross note:

The bridge I cross in the mornings to get to the office is always covered in poo. What kind of poo? No friggin clue - it's either a very large dog or a very lost and nasty person :/ Sad thing is, it's always there; A nice fresh load just chilling on the side of bridge every morning. There's also some on the tracks in the train station. Unless people are throwing poo onto the tracks, how is it they have time to leave something so vile in such a busy place?! Obviously someone was on a mission. Gross.

People (and/or dogs) of Swansea, you need to sort yourselves out. Seriously.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Another day in sunny (pah) Swansea!

Oh how I wish it was sunny here. :/ It's so...cloudy and sorta miserable, but I guess that's the office's secret to staying so focused, there's no distraction due to sunny weather. Meh.

I was meant to start pattercutting a design by myself today, but seeing as the toile fitting was late, the head designer is now casually (and slowly) eating her lunch, and I only have 2 hours left till I go, I fear that it won't happen today :( I'm gutted actually cos I was looking forward to this for a week, but meh, what can you do? Shit happens.

Instead, I have been packing up a whole bunch of patterns to send to Hong Kong. I've also gotten to the point in my time here that I'm comfortable enough to can enjoy a bit of cheeky banter with a few people in the office. I'm even confident enought to crack jokes and whoa whoa - I'm getting laughs. So I guess you could say that I am truly fitting in, or at least I feel like I am. That's what counts, right?

[Now those of you who don't really know or care about patterncutting, go on and skip this bit!]
I don't think I've mentioned anything in depth about the Digitizer and the insane patter piece printer. Okay so basically, you print out your block, alter it to go with the new designs, then you put it on this massive digital table. You then pick up this obscure mouse/remote thing and mark all the important points on the pattern piece, you press a few buttons and voila, the whole new and improved pattern piece has been uploaded onto the computer just like that. All you have to do is make sure all the notches and measurements match up on the computer program and then you're good to print out the new pattern. Within minutes you're ready to start the toiling. Boggles my mind. You know how much time that would have saved me and the girls in uni!? Fookin' 'ell. But I am quite glad I understand the manual aspect of patterncutting though. Everyone needs a good foundation, right? :D
[Okay, the patterncutting bit is done!]

I'm feeling tired a lot more though...I need to eat more vegetables and I need to start (dare I say it?) working out. *shudder* Yesterday morning my alarm didn't go off at the right time and I was BUGGING OUT. My heart felt like it was gonna fall out of my butt. (Nice visuals, huh? Eyyyy!) But Trout was totally awesome and drove me to the station. He basically saved my life haha, but its not like a lot of stuff happened yesterday anyway...*sigh* I WANNA PATTERN CUT!!!

Right, I'm off to go find something to do. Harumph.

A disgruntled, yet somehow still optimistic and eager, intern.

Monday 7 November 2011

Delaaaaaaaaaayed post!

Hello, hello. This is waaaay overdue, but I feel as if I should make more of an effort to keep you people up to date. Voila. Sorry about the wait, oh random array of people who read my blog. Much love your way.

Tuesday 25/10/2011

So it’s weird right? As I go through my days at TOAST, I always, for some odd reason, have this narrative going on in my heard so it can be put in this blog. I feel like JD from Scrubs. Alas, by the time I get home, I’m exhausted, resulting in a lack of a week’s worth of posting. What!? Blasphemy, I do know.

But why am I finally blogging again, you ask? You see, I’m writing this down in my trusty notebook so I can just type it up without having to think about my day. It just so happens that on this particular morning (where I failed to have breakfast and my ever-so-important cup of coffee) I somehow feel wide awake…for now anyways. Well no, I’m exhauseted but I just have that much more energy to subject you to my drivel.

Maybe it’s a mixture of Feist and my body going into addict mode. One minute I’m sat all comfy in my seat, and the next thing I know, I somehow made it to the food carriage on the train, purchased a latte and here I am again…sat…watching the sun rise…with an empty coffee cup. I seriously need to learn how to slow down when consuming food and drink. I’m thinking I may need to ween myself off the java too, but when it’s free at TOAST, why the hell should I?

As toast…I do wish I had something to eat before I left the house this morning…*sigh* oh well! But back to actual TOAST related thoughs, this work placement is going rather well! I sent an email out last week saying…

Good Morning, Everyone!

I’m sure I’ve been introduced to most of you last Monday, but if not, I’m Holly! I’m the new intern over in the technical department who is a fresh graduate from UWE in Bristol. If you need anything measured, anything typed up, cut out, ironed, or anything done at all that you just don’t want to do (and think I’m capable of doing), please don’t hesitate to ask! I look forward to helping all of you out!

Holly Pacius

Technical Department Intern

And I got some really positive responses! People kept coming up to me, introducing themselves (much to my joy and dismay as I am crap at remembering names…) and saying that my email was a lovely thing to get first thing on a Monday. La, how nice! Anyhoozle, I’ve had many a garment places on my desk, ready for me to measure all the specifics and see if everything is alright for another prototype or to be put into production. It’s quite nice having a company care SO MUCH about each millimeter to ensure the highest quality of clothing. Loves it, I do.

Went to my first TOAST toile fitting last Tuesday…

“Pinch a bit out from the neck”“Change the angle of the dart…” “..Yes, the dart is awfully long isn’t it?”

Took ages. I thought uni was bad! Haha, and this wasn’t just because of thee quality and things, but because the designers kept going off on those random tangents, quite like my tutors did. Hilarious. I love how stuff like that happens in real life! So about 7-8 garments and 2 ½ hours later, we finish the fitting. Brilliant. Then we have to do another handover for the second drop for SS12, so at 11:30, we’re all waiting for the designers to come over and tell us what’s happening, but we end up waiting yet another 1 ½ hours. Haha We finished handover where Jim and Marieona (the main patterncutters) got about 4 garments to finish ASAP. They’re so good, they finish within hours. They’re both so nice and so skilled, I would love to be like them one day!

Thursday I got a lovely email asking for my assistance from the Studio Assistant, Becky. She’s about my age and has been working at TOAST for 3 years. She also just graduated, but previously worked here part time. How lucky! Anyway, she asked me to help pack up all the homewear stuff on the following Monday. I was so excited! Not so much just to help, but because I was emailed specifically! Woop! Little things….

Packing was fun. I bubble wrapped my heart out! You see, all the homewear stuff was being sent to Italy for a photoshoot and it needed to be there on the 4th of November. All 30 boxes. Not small boxes, no no, they each weight about 20 kilos and were double boxed. From 9:35 – 4:15 all 5 of us wrapped and packed and only just made the deadline. I felt so busy in fact, I actually didn’t have time to sit down and have a proper lunch. I was told I needed to measure 3 things ASAP cos the specifications needed to be send to India in a matter of hours and then Homewear needed me to keep wrapping and packing and then I asked to measure yet more things on top of that. So my lunch was me just cramming a BLT in my face in front of the computer whilst measuring arm lengths and stuff. It was fuuuun I liked being busy. :D

Right…I could keep going, but I’m boring myself haha. May nap…40 minutes left til Swansea! Turrah!