Thursday 30 September 2010

Morning of the fourth day!

Hasn't even been a week and I've missed a post. Let's be realistic here, I'm not going to post EVERY day. Got a life, ya know? Anyway, I was thinking about writing yesterday, but Monty (the fiance) got his bike stolen last night so I cast all other things aside to comfort him and make sure everything's okay. Stupid bike thieves why can't they just get a respectable job or buy their own damn things? Mmph.

Anyway on a lighter more fashion/textiley note, I began putting my wall up at uni. It's full of inspirational pictures and the overall tone that I want for my collection. At least, that's what I think I want at this point! I've looked at 2D work by Richard Borge (a known Steampunky artist) and came across a few really cool pictures.
How delightfully strange, right? Right up my street. I also did some more research about my market and what kind of designers I'd quite like to work for or even just find out about what they're all about. The company Envuzan designed by Hong Eun Ju is just soooo amazing. They're concept is what I believe in. Comfort, uniqueness, fit, style, oh jeez! Just so awesome! I had to translate their concept on Google, which was a lot of broken english, but it was worth it in the end. I think the idea of targetting a Korean market is really exciting and a bit difficult. I can't go to Korea, I can physically see all the fashion crazes for myself so this will be a different thing entirely for me. Hope I can get it right!

Gonna go to uni late today...have a nice morning watching Jonathan Creek and starting to layout my sketchbook. Yay! x

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