Tuesday 28 September 2010

Business...Creative Enterprise?

At noon today we had a talk about the new module about business. It was really interesting, but do I want to do a presentation about my "business". This and Visual Culture run the same amount of time...I would like to know more about business, but would I enjoy stressing out about my business module file AND my showpiece at once? I suppose the same thing could go for the dissertation. Actually, writing about my options now is making me start to lean toward this Creative Enterprise business. Bah. I still have all night to give it a good think!

I felt rather productive this morning. It was a nice cycle:

Wander around library, pull out a book, browse, scan the hell out of it the book, repeat.
Wander, book, browse, scan, repeat.
Scan, scan, scan, scan, repeat.

Bulked out my picture file a bit more, but I do need to actually have a good look through it and do some studies from my pictures. What good are they if I can't get anything out of them, eh? I'm thinking about doing my sketchbook in InDesign so it's nice and clean and I can change pages without having a panic attack when I want to go in a completely different direction with my work. I think I may start that tomorrow, but in order to do the whole InDesign thing properly, I'll need to reformat my Mac. Shocking, but I want it all fast again. The amount of Adobe ANYTHING files slows my Mac's pace down to the speed of an old lady who just got a hip replacement. Anyhoo...

Karis (one of my lovely housemates) came running up to me in the Library today and explained that there was a steampunk workshop starting up this year. Is that lucky or what? So Slawa (another one of my lovely housemates) went down to the Fabrication room with me to hear what it was all about. The technician seemed really excited about everything so bing! I signed up with the quickness. First workshop is on the 21st. That gives me enough time to design some things for it! Happy times.

I also get to meet with the International Recruitment officer on Friday and I get to go to the Bath Fashion Museum on November the 26th so eveything's coming together! Oh, how efficient I feel!

I must steal that book off of Stacey (the last, but not least of my lovely housemates) to aid with research! But for now I'm going to curl up with a cup of tea and draw for the next 5 hours. ...or at least that's the plan. Maybe I can squeeze in a few episodes of "Come Dine With Me" too. Just sayin'. x

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