Thursday 30 September 2010

London-London, I. Love. London.

Oh the music in this video makes me dance!

Yep Nylon Korea. I figure since I need to do a lot of talking and explaining in the meeting that I'll have tomorrow, why not study more into my market? I can't believe how new this extension to Nylon family is! Only 2 years?! Snapz! I need to get my hands on some of their magazines!

Meeeh today was such a lazy day at uni. I left early with Stacey. I virtually got nothing done today XP ah well. These types of days are always bound to happen regardless. I tried to work InDesign and it confuses me with all the stupid photo regulations and shiz. Ugh I'm so over it already but I need to get the hang of it - or just uh...try another program. Maybe I should have an internet sketchbook! I love technology too much. Everything that I do is computer based these days. I wanna get myself computer glasses to save my sight. Big chunky Spongebob ones.

Oh yeah. xx

Morning of the fourth day!

Hasn't even been a week and I've missed a post. Let's be realistic here, I'm not going to post EVERY day. Got a life, ya know? Anyway, I was thinking about writing yesterday, but Monty (the fiance) got his bike stolen last night so I cast all other things aside to comfort him and make sure everything's okay. Stupid bike thieves why can't they just get a respectable job or buy their own damn things? Mmph.

Anyway on a lighter more fashion/textiley note, I began putting my wall up at uni. It's full of inspirational pictures and the overall tone that I want for my collection. At least, that's what I think I want at this point! I've looked at 2D work by Richard Borge (a known Steampunky artist) and came across a few really cool pictures.
How delightfully strange, right? Right up my street. I also did some more research about my market and what kind of designers I'd quite like to work for or even just find out about what they're all about. The company Envuzan designed by Hong Eun Ju is just soooo amazing. They're concept is what I believe in. Comfort, uniqueness, fit, style, oh jeez! Just so awesome! I had to translate their concept on Google, which was a lot of broken english, but it was worth it in the end. I think the idea of targetting a Korean market is really exciting and a bit difficult. I can't go to Korea, I can physically see all the fashion crazes for myself so this will be a different thing entirely for me. Hope I can get it right!

Gonna go to uni late today...have a nice morning watching Jonathan Creek and starting to layout my sketchbook. Yay! x

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Business...Creative Enterprise?

At noon today we had a talk about the new module about business. It was really interesting, but do I want to do a presentation about my "business". This and Visual Culture run the same amount of time...I would like to know more about business, but would I enjoy stressing out about my business module file AND my showpiece at once? I suppose the same thing could go for the dissertation. Actually, writing about my options now is making me start to lean toward this Creative Enterprise business. Bah. I still have all night to give it a good think!

I felt rather productive this morning. It was a nice cycle:

Wander around library, pull out a book, browse, scan the hell out of it the book, repeat.
Wander, book, browse, scan, repeat.
Scan, scan, scan, scan, repeat.

Bulked out my picture file a bit more, but I do need to actually have a good look through it and do some studies from my pictures. What good are they if I can't get anything out of them, eh? I'm thinking about doing my sketchbook in InDesign so it's nice and clean and I can change pages without having a panic attack when I want to go in a completely different direction with my work. I think I may start that tomorrow, but in order to do the whole InDesign thing properly, I'll need to reformat my Mac. Shocking, but I want it all fast again. The amount of Adobe ANYTHING files slows my Mac's pace down to the speed of an old lady who just got a hip replacement. Anyhoo...

Karis (one of my lovely housemates) came running up to me in the Library today and explained that there was a steampunk workshop starting up this year. Is that lucky or what? So Slawa (another one of my lovely housemates) went down to the Fabrication room with me to hear what it was all about. The technician seemed really excited about everything so bing! I signed up with the quickness. First workshop is on the 21st. That gives me enough time to design some things for it! Happy times.

I also get to meet with the International Recruitment officer on Friday and I get to go to the Bath Fashion Museum on November the 26th so eveything's coming together! Oh, how efficient I feel!

I must steal that book off of Stacey (the last, but not least of my lovely housemates) to aid with research! But for now I'm going to curl up with a cup of tea and draw for the next 5 hours. ...or at least that's the plan. Maybe I can squeeze in a few episodes of "Come Dine With Me" too. Just sayin'. x

Monday 27 September 2010

First day back!

Surprisingly, the first day wasn't too bad. I managed to knock down a shelf in the library and fill up a file with photos! Huzzah! We had a reeeeeeeally long talk about out brief which happens to be for our showpiece! ...I feel like a bit of a dunce cos I know that what a showpiece is, but I don't as well. It's that "wow factor" that never seemed to catch my attention (or maybe I just never pay attention? Who knows.) So why not try to familiarize myself with showpieces from well known designers?

I'm assuming that this it the showpiece for Marni's SS 10/11 collection. I think it sums up the whole collection pretty well actually. Take a look for yourself. My tutor said it didn't have to be a piece that blinds you or something, but it needs to be enough to stand least subtly.

This brief sounds fun, but sadly, it stressed me out a wee bit because I wasn't so with it over the summer. I should have done more research, but no use worrying about it now! For the rest of this week I shall be drawing like a crazed artist, you know, one of those types who lives in paint stained trousers and always has dirty charcoal covered hands. Ha...

On a lighter note, I got to have a tutorial and talk about my ideas and the tutor I talked to was really inspirational! She gave me loads of advice and supported my ideas. One thing I need to do is send an email to the International Recruitment officer. My tutor said to get a better grasp of my market in England, or Korean even, I need to actually get proper opinions about boy bands in Asia and fashion. Basically I need to ask the recruitment officer if she recruited any Koreans so I can ask em questions. A bit shifty, but everyone at this university is mad so I don't think I'll cause much of an uproar asking for a supply of willing Asians.

Additionally my tutor said to go to Bath Spa and go to the Fashion Museum. I planned to anyway so I could really get a grasp on how Victorian clothing was made. All I need to do is call the museum and demand alone time with the garments =D Should be simples!

Took out some magazines today to check out how to layout my sketchbook. All things will (try to) be considered! My presentation this year will knock someone out - pow pow! ...or ya know, at least keep them interested! I'm quite excited about this year and I also have that sense of dread hidden behind all that excitement. This year shouldn't be too bad, should it? x

Sunday 26 September 2010

Ah last day of my summer holidays...

Today's a bit depressing because we all have to go to uni tomorrow. I've got mixed feelings about going back - mainly because I don't think I did all the required summer work, but oh well! It will be good to see everyone again and catch up.So this blog is mainly for the documentation of my final year at UWE! May carry on after I'm done, or I may not, but we shall see.

This summer was quite interesting...I quite my job at Starbucks, got a new job at a little cafe up the road from my house, lost my job a month later because the place went out of business, went to the Edinburgh Fringe aaaaaand got proposed to. Yep. I'm engaged now! How exciting :) My mom also came to visit me for a week, which was fun. I haven't seen her in over a year so it was really nice seeing her.

I also sparingly did some research on what I hope will be my final collection. I'm inspired by a number of things:

"You're Beautiful" (an awesome Korean drama)
Korean boy bands
Korean fashion designers
Victorian England

It kinda all fell into place because my fiance suggested the Steampunk culture to me in my first year, I was bored at the beginning of summer and watched Korean dramas (cos I'm a dork) and thought about the last project I did in uni. For that collection I attempted to combine both male and female didn't really work out to plan, but the idea stuck! I'm really interested in androgynous fashion and the show "You're Beautiful" captured that sooo well!

The story is basically the chick above has to pretend to be a guy in the famous boy band. The funny part was, all the guys dressed really...femininely, but were obviously really manly. It's a Korean thing cos all the boy bands there do it and it's awesome!! It was totally up my street for my research.

Steampunk is kinda like Jane Austen meets 21st century technology...kinda. Really cool subculture that can kinda be summed up in a picture.

Goggles, steam powered stuff and Victorian clothing. Cool, innit? =D

Anyhoo, that's a glimpse of what I have...I've got more research and things...but ya know, gotta see if the tutors approve tomorrow, ya dig? x