Thursday 29 March 2012

The Season of Broken Hearts and Warm Ass Weather

Oh wow. About 3 months since I've last updizzled. Holly fail to the max, ya'll.

What's been happening...

-Been doing a lot at Toast...but been feeling neglected and less like part of a team. Bad.
-Been super poor. Also bad.
-Been dumped. Very bad.
-Been deprived of internet in my house. Super bad.
-Been feeling super sorry for myself and not knowing what to do with my life. UBER BAD.

But do not fear, good people! The weather is warm and I love Bristol and that's given me the motivation to sort myself out. I've got lovely friends and a wicked awesome mother who has passed down some amazing "I don't give a fuck" genes ;D I've allowed myself a week to feel sorry for myself and now it's time to buckle down and figure out what I want to do with my shiny new visa.

Shall I move off to London or Birmingham and be a proper fashiony drone oooooor stay in Bristol and enjoy being fancy can carefree and attempt to start a business with some carefully selected friends?! I may have to choose the former instead of the latter because I gots bills to pay!

Oh my, it does seem that the majority of my friends have been having the same problems as me though. Heartbreak, general confusion about life, being poor. Damn. Post uni life isn't that amazing though is it?

Alas, it's spring and I'm doing my own personal spring cleaning go get all them cobwebs out of my self conscious and all up out of my life. I've been sending out loads of CVs for a nice new pattern cutting job and I've already got a call back from a recruitment agency saying they're going to forward my CV to the company. Fingers crossed!!

A word of advice to my readers and friends - Shit gets real and ugly, but only the weak don't get used to it!! DEAL.

Time to be fearless and fancy free. ;D

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