Wednesday 3 August 2011

Home and behind!

***Post written in Heathrow Airport on 22/07/2011 without internet access. Read up, catch up!

Why hello world. What a time these past few days have been! I managed to snag myself an amazing bloke (Right before I leave the country amazing timing, let me tell you...), I've had such emotional goodbyes, I could give a freshly spanked wailing newborn baby a run for their money, and oh yeah, I graduated.

I say graduated, but I actually mean I just became a graduate. I was rebellious and didn't actually do the whole ceremony thing. It's such a novelty in England to throw their caps in the air and wear the gowns and stuff...but seeing as I sported gowns every time I left a school, it didn't appeal to me much this time. Saved a bit of dollar too. :P Oh by the way, I got myself a prize for being radical at pattern cutting! Yay!!!! Good things happened!

I was even taken out to dinner! I was not expecting that at all. I originally didn't want to do the whole graduation thing because I knew I wouldn't have anyone to dine with after the ceremony. Everyone had family or significant others to go out to dinner with and I didn't. Why put myself through the loneliness, yo? But things change when you meet new people so I ended up having a lovely evening over some steak and wine. Mmm. Win. Plus having nearly half a bottle of wine to myself made me all tipsy and made me want to run away from saying my byes to people.

But alas, I still had to say goodbye too many times. I usually am hard as a rock when it comes to feelings but because the girls I met on my course are amazing and reduced me to tears at the thought of not spending every waking moment with them anymore. Ah...ohhh the tears are welling up again. Composure, Holly, composure...Calm. Good. No tears. I refuse to cry anymore! Haha.

I even cried saying bye to people I know I'll see again in two months, I swear I'm just a big ball of hormones at the moment. Grahh. Such a nuisance, trust me. I was escorted to the Bristol bus station to catch my coach to Heathrow by my lovely mate Ella (check her out, her illustration is amazering). She bought my a cupcake from the Hummingbird bakery. Oh my goodness it was delish. Thank you, Ella! As I got on the bus, I immediately got leaky eyeballs and then tried to distract myself with music on my ipod. In theory that would work, but EVERY SINGLE SONG reminded me of someone. Chase and Status = Stacey, Beyonce = Charlie, Foster the People = Snoon, Crystal Fighters = Sioban...the list goes on! Its nice, but it sucks if you get me.

But the good in all of this is that once I manned up and stopped feeling so weepy, I listened to the music that made me think of my brother and my girls back home. I'm actually quite chuffed that D&B and Dubstep are getting more recognition in America, I'm going to have a banging summer. My sister is getting married that's a fun way to start the holiday off, right? Right!

How lovely it will be to see family and friends back home! I just hope my jetlag doesn't mess my face up. Need to look fly when I step off the plane, don't I? Yes, yes I do. :) Although I feel like I look awfully British with my Brogues, denim shirt and my headscarf. Here's to a good flight. x

Hello all! Terribly sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks. I've arrived home safely in New Jersey as you can tell by this post. Home's been way too hot! :( Who woulda thunk it? Complaining about the heat?!) I got off the plane in Montreal, stepped outside and had a panic attack whilst furiously tearing off my clothing. The heat was unreal. You know what it's like when you open a hot oven and for some reason you're standing directly over it and you get a horrible wave of heat? Yeah, it was like that.

No matter! I will put the CLIC Sargent post up within the hour so you lovely people can read that as well. Sorry for the delay all, but Holly is back. x

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