Tuesday 7 August 2012

And we jump to August!!

Oh hello world!

I feel like I haven't written anything in forever...which is mostly true. I tend not to update things much anymore because either everything in my life is mundane orrrr boring and not worth telling. However, since my life is getting better bit by bit, I thought I'd enlighten the poor saps that still read this!! (Psst, that means you.)

I think where I left off before was that I had mentioned I'd be dressing for Phantom of the Opera and then Lion King right after. Phantom of the Opera was amaaaaaaazing! I was utterly crap at dressing at the beginning, but I got the hang of it a couple of weeks in. I met some absolutely fabulous people (and some incredibly crap people as well...-_-) and I really really really really enjoyed dressing the male ensemble! I had to wear all black, which is okay and just get on with the work as and when. I could catch up on my reading or have a chat with the actors that aren't on stage, etc. A brilliant job.

Brilliant as it was, I got a bit too attached to the cast though and when they had to leave I cried and cried...haha I'm such a baby :P They did give me presents though! I got a knitted mini bunting (which is super CUTE) , loads of flowers, chocolates, two bottles of wine, my own "Masquerade" masque, a fabulous necklace...I was truly spoiled by my boys and the wardrobe team. ^_^ I am so grateful!! xx

Phantom was gone before I knew it...so I donned my waistcoat and name badge and went back to Front of House. It was so so lovely working with all my mates again, but you know...once I had a taste of dressing everything just felt a bit different...Hm...But I did enjoy working in my home department again and wanted to make the best of the work before we went dark for 7 weeks whilst The Lion King was setting up in the theatre. 

One day I was asked to do some backstage work for Lion King by one of the backstage guys which involved an incredible amount of heavy lifting and pushing and climbing and all. I had SO MUCH FUN! And I felt super happy that I was even asked to do that sort of work despite the fact I'm a girl. I got to show off the strength that I don't think the other guys knew I had and I was also introduced to the Wardrobe Mistress! She was impressed with the fact I was pushing all the things around and asked if I would be interested in working for them while the Hippodrome was dark. Seriously, that couldn't have worked any better for me! I had one week of doing 10:30-6 and then literally sprinting off to the Hippodrome for a 7-10 shift. My god I was tired!!! ...but it was awesome.  :) 

The theatre then went dark and I could concentrate on what was going on in rehearsals for TLK. I was asked to do so much! I sewed, I ran around, I dressed the cast in rehearsal costumes, I labelled, I organized, I did LOADS and I loved every second of it. I actually felt like I belonged...like part of a team you know? I got to meet the cast from the very beginning and now I'm forming some pretty incredible friendships with them. I don't think I've ever met such a large group of talented and very humble people working for a company. And speaking of companies, DISNEY IS AN INCREDIBLE COMPANY TO WORK WITH!!! I had never felt so welcomed in my life! Everyone is so friendly and smile at everyone and is just like...wow!! Such a positive attitude! 

Say "Hello" to one of the dancers trying out his head for the show. Such a long face!

Now we're a month into rehearsals and everything is coming together so beautifully and even when I'm not at work, the cast noticed and ask where I was and why I wasn't around and stuff. Aw!! If you're coming to see TLK, you are in for an incredible treat. The costume is just...wow. Amazing...I'm so priviledged to be working in the Wardrobe department and the ladies in the department are all so amazingly lovely. I love my job right now. I love the people, I love the atmosphere, I love the responsiblity, I love EVERYTHING. I hope it stays like that. How I would love to do this for a living. :) 

Anyway, that's enough rambling, well done if you read all of that. I'm so happy. OH and I'm going to be moving in with Sioban on the 22nd into a gorgeous flat where we shall drink and be merry all the damn time. So so so so so so excited!! Ahhh!

Good things are happening, people. No, not good - Great! :D xx

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