Thursday 10 January 2013

Year of the Snake

Okay! A promise to myself this year is to document more of my life. I have a feeling that when I'm old, I'm only going to have small portions of my life to show my kids about the person I was. At least it will be small portions in comparison to all the people who take a million photos of each instance in their lives. I think I need to find a happy medium somehow! Why not start up the whole blog again? Let's see how long this lasts for...

I've just caught up on all the rest I think I'm ever going to need since returning from my lovely Christmas holiday at home with my family and best friends in America. I had such a fantastic time with them made everything a lot harder and put shit in perspective in my life. I was lucky enough to see my new baby nephew, Sheldon in Canada. I also got to see my 3 year old niece Abby...Life is a beautiful thing. They're both so fantastic and adorable, but they don't know who I least Abby really doesn't yet. I realize I need to be around them more or the strange distant family I have grown up with will be something I just go along with. I'm not all about seeing aunts and uncles once every one or two years. That's not how family should be. I also need to learn how to speak french. The scariest bit of all of this is maybe not being able to communicate with the little ones...I only speak english, they only speak french. I've got to change that.

Another thing is...this is my last year in England. That is both terrifying and slightly exciting....The whole thing is going to be bittersweet as hell, but hey ho. Unless something super extraordinary happens like I win the lottery or something, I can't do anything about it. I'm just going to have to make the absolute most of this year with my friends.

Need to make the "UK Exodus Bucket List" innit.

Alright 2013! Lets have it! The year of the snake is MY year.

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