Saturday 15 January 2011

And it begins!

Fo' shizzle, mah nizzle.

Shit just got real. We were given until next week to knock out 3 finished toiles. My day is on Wednesday and I'm like whoa. I'm pretty confident that I'll finish though. I did so much deconstructing of shirts and things to recreate my designs and I'm pretty pleased with them!

I was given a few shirts and I draped and played and got some interesting silhouettes and great ideas for patterncutting :) I was having some difficulty getting shaped that weren't directly taken from history because that was my issue last time. I needed to be a bit more innovative and fresh with my ideas so hopefully this is going in the right direction. However, I still don't think that my stuff is a crazy cool as everyone elses...maybe cos I'm more commercial? I'm thinking that may be it. I've kind of moved away from the really avant garde stuff...but will my normal stuff get me noticed? Ooo thoughts in my mind!

We get first years soon to assist us with our collection. We get to abuse them! Just kidding! It will be awesome to have a first year helping us all out. I hope mine is incredibly helpful and will have a nice grasp on Holly's patterncutting methods! *dramatic pose* Yess!

Some more toiles...I can't wait til I start making my final fabrics!

Oh! And in case you couldn't tell by the hunky male figure I'm using, I'm doing menswear, ya'll. Wish me luck as I've never done proper menswear before. I keep getting told that I'm hella brave I? Isn't making clothes for men the same concept as making clothing for women? We shall see! Peace, ya'll.

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