Saturday 4 December 2010

Happy Saturday, ya'll

Ah what a Saturday morning. A nice lie in til noon and a bit of constructiveness by attacking a bit more of my dissertation. Didn't get much done though, not gonna lie.

I've been sooo into researching this week it did feel quite slow though, to be honest....the week freaking dragged! But it was quite good cos I managed to get quite a bit of work done. I finished my Moodboard, Marketboard, Colourboard, and Brief and I'm currently trying to bulk up my sketchbook, which is working out nicely. I feel quite positive about my work so far. Monday I shall look at and order fabric with hopes that it will get to university by Wednesday so I can attempt to get some textile swatches done. Oi vey. -_-; Need to go to town tomorrow I think. Actually I may go now so I can kill two birds with one stone and go snooping around for other local fabrics for this project before I head off to work.

Oh my account will have a nice dent in it. :) Off I go! x

P.S. I need to go Christmas shopping...and make a list for myself! D= So much to do...

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