Monday 18 July 2011

I feel the urges steaming already.

Hello! I was meant to have posted a nice little diddy about CLIC Sargent's nice vintage shop on Gloucester Road, but the photos are on my hard drive and I can't use it without my travel adapters. As they are in storage while I prepare to go back home to America for the summer, I can't post until I'm by some good ol' America plug sockets . Nice. My bad, so that will be up right after my sisters next week! Trust me, it's a good-un!

I have finally moved out of my third year house and I am technically homeless until I go home on Friday. Now, I've been staying at a friends house and as I'm home alone while they're all at work, I go into housewife mode. I've been cleaning and cooking just for things to do (because, between you and me, I've become a bit of a bum. Not working, just relaxing, which is well nice!) and I've just finished ironing a bunch of shirts and I've felt a bit of inspiration brewing.

I don't normally iron shirts, because I go out of my way to buy things that don't need to be ironed, but doing it this one time makes me want to either jump right back into menswear or maybe make some really cool drapey shirts for when I eventually get into some field where I need to actually dress in proper workwear attire *shudder* Something a bit All-Sainty like so:

Oh yeah. I feel like designing again

...right when I get back to America. x

Saturday 9 July 2011

The Secret's Out!

Ahhh...A very good morning to you all! Guess where I am? Well how would you have an inkling of a clue? I'll just stop your guessing and tell you.

(The website is still under construction at the moment but its up! Still have a look around!)

I was asked by my darling friend Tom, the genius mind behind this awesome little shop, to man the fort for a few hours. This totally beats packing, trust me! I am absolutely delighted to be sat behind the til eagerly awaiting customers. But seeing as it's Saturday morning...oh let's just hope not too many people are hung over! I thought I might do a little bloggity whilst it is quiet!

Alice's Secret Emporium is nestled downstairs of BS8 on Park St. (34, Park Street, Bs1 5JG Bristol, United Kingdom to be exact!) . BS8 is actually really a lovely place to shop! There's clothing, fragrances, accessories, a little stall completely dedicated to designs made from driftwood (really cool stuff, mind!) and all the vintage things your heart desires.

Now ASE's is Just. Too. Cute. It's vintage heaven! So many of the items have been sourced from all over and you've got a lovely array of chine, jewelry, ribbons, buttons, brooches, old Singer hand sewing machines!!! You don't even know! The list goes on and on, trust.

I'm a huge fan of the decor (I've been really big on decor lately, making mental notes on my own place, I suppose!) Everything is displayed in bookshelves and in vintage shelves and dressers. The till is even hella old school, but I shan't tell you more about that!

All I'm saying is that this place is awesome. The people in the other bits of BS8 are really sound as well so if you're wandering on Park St anytime soon, come on down and get your hands on some amazing vintage stuff. You'll love it. And Tom's an absolute doll, so do say hi!

Check out the facebook page too! Totally like their page too. Ooo looks like potential customers are coming over. That's my cue! Ciao ciao!

P.S. She was lovely! She's getting married and bought a glass cake stand. Adorable! I wish her all the best for her special day!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Messy, messy.

My life is basically all over the floor. I am a messy bugger.

I need to get on with with tidying and packing, but the thought of food seems so much more appealing, don't you think? I'm thinking homemade bread yet again with a nice selection of spreads. I feel as if I should start a food blog as well. Would people enjoy that or...?