Wednesday 1 February 2012

Voice of Reason.

Call my mother today to ask her opinion on what I should choose:

great company that treats me extremely well
low paying career
basically no social life
leaving all my friends
leaving a place I finally call home
move to a city I'm not too fond of
become single again
be super lonely and scared in a new place


continue to intern
continue to have work placement pay for my travel
gain valuable experience
have social life
have all my friends
work on portfolio to further my career in a higher paying job
still have a lovely boyfriend (at least I hope so)
stay in a city I love

After many tears and loads of thinking (and complaining), My mom said she couldn't tell me what to do and that she'd pray that the right answer will come along soon. I got off the phone with her thinking that I won't know for ages and ages, but after having chats with my Hippodrome work colleagues, I've got a general answer for what I should do.

"Holly, don't go to Swansea," said Andy today at work. Now Andy has always been absolutely lovely to me, such a lovely father figure in my life here in Bristol since he started working at the Hippodrome. After explaining to him what my options were, he thought all day about it and flat out told me not to take the job. He said to continue to intern and it makes sense. It's a win/win situation, really. The company saves money, I continue to slowly make money, I get to live in Bristol and I get experience all the same. I really needed someone like him to tell me what he thought would be the right decision and I'm super grateful that he took the time to think about my situation.

Who knows, that may be my mom's prayer and my questions answered, ey? Thank you Andy.


(and thank you to everyone else who took the time to listen to me whinge about it and tell me not to leave!) xx